Making Cakes With My Siblings Part 3
Baking is Fun For the third time, we have made tiny cakes. This time, it was a little less known to me that we were actually going to make cakes. Because it was a sort of spur of the moment deal, it wasn't very clean like last time. We made mostly chocolate cakes this time. Tim and Tabitha did a little different, but I don't have pictures of those. Tim trimming his cakes Tim's multicolored cakes The finished cakes Both Tim and I dropped one of our cakes. While we were transferring our cakes to the copper pan, they tipped over. Tim just kinda destroyed his and I tried to salvage mine. I had some chocolate designs that I had saved from a previous activity and used them to cover up my failure. Leah enjoying the cakes Mom and Leah My favorite cake that I made Tabby was looking up inspiration on Pinterest for the cakes, but she didn't find much. I saw one with cacti on it and so I did it. I also found another cake. A black cake with white flowers on it. I tried to ma...