Bullet Journaling: Part 3

 Another Sequel

This is the third post in my bullet journal series. Like I promised in my last post, here are the results from my experience with day-by-day planning. Since I have learned from my mistakes, I believe October might be the nicest of them all. I went with the theme of Pumpkins, Leaves, and Sunlight, just to be different. 

I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It was nice to have a place to plan the things you need to do each day instead of having a separate to-do list(that I lost more often than not). It helps me make short-term goals and keeps me active with journaling. I really experimented with all of the dividers for the days(you might not be able to see them).
It's a bit junky but okay!

With my October daily planner, I made it much cooler and more "me". The only problem(not that bad) is that I didn't do the weeks right. It doesn't bother me that much, it's just that I did do it wrong.

Habit Tracker

I also had a chance to try a habit tracker. Since it was the first try, it was very ugly. I put a bunch of habits that I wanted to form, like exercising, going to bed at the right time, hanging out with my brother(which I had been neglecting for a while), making art, practicing calligraphy, and writing. 
As you can see, there are not enough days in this habit tracker, so with my new habit tracker, I finally had enough days due to the fact that my full calendar for October bled through the page. I didn't want to waste pages, so I had to forfeit my ideas of having the awesome-looking so functional, and designer habit tracker for an easier one with #zero waste. The way I did it in October was not functional. Honestly, I didn't use it as much as I should've. 
Ugly, but functional(Old habit tracker in Sept)

New habit tracker(not very functional)

Spending Chart

So that I could keep track of my money, I added a spending chart. Though I planned it out in my sketchbook, it did not turn out the way I wanted in my September planning. 

(right)in bullet journal (left) Spending chart when successfully implemented(October)

How to Draw: Pumpkin

I wanted to add a little treat at the end of my posts from now on. It's going to be easy, how to draw section if you want to learn how to draw simple, but really nice things. In this post, we are going to learn how to draw a pumpkin. Enjoy!


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